The School Improvement Council and parents of Okatie Elementary School overwhelmingly adopted a uniform policy, beginning when the school opened in August 2003. The SIC and parents believe that a uniform policy will reinforce a positive learning environment as well as promote a unified school spirit.
Uniform Policy
Student’s uniforms may consist of the following items:
- The uniform shirt will be a solid red, navy, or white short or long sleeve shirt with a collar, turtleneck, or approved Okatie Elementary School Spirit shirt. Name brand shirts are acceptable as long as the logo is small and inconspicuous.
- Khaki or nay (no indigo – jeans) pants, shorts, skirts, skorts, jumpers, and overalls. In no case may the shorts, skirts, or skorts be shorter than four (4) inches above the knee.
- Solid red, navy, white, or Okatie Elementary School Spirit sweaters and sweatshirts may be worn when appropriate.
- Rubber-soled shoes or tennis shoes are acceptable footwear, in keeping in compliance with the Beaufort County Schools Dress Code. No open toed shoes or sandals are to be worn to school.
- Baggy or oversized uniforms are prohibited.
- No undergarments may show.
- No hats of any type may be worn in the building at any time.
If a student fails to wear the specified uniform and is not otherwise exempt from the uniform requirement, the school will contact the parents. The student will be provided with alternative uniform clothing and will remain at school. It is our policy that no student will be sent home for failure to comply with the uniform policy. A parent conference will be scheduled if violation of the uniform policy continues.
Okatie Elementary School will do its best to help provide uniforms for students in need of assistance.
Spirit Wear
If you would like to show your Okatie pride and purchase Spirit Wear PTO will be selling spirit wear at the Welcome Back Picnic and Parent Night (Back to School Night). You are also able to send in an order form with your child. Spirit Wear Order Form